Much has transpired over the past few months and we have waited for several plot lines to play out before boring everyone with the perpetual fluidity of the situation. As of this writing, Brennan is doing well and is stable.Talking, starting trouble with big brother Kyle and having fun like a normal 2 year old. His blood chemistry is adequate. We have now been on the transplant list for over one year and this avenue of treatment is our first preference, where he would receive a “block transplant” of two kidneys from a similar sized child. Kyle recently lost his front tooth and rejoiced at the $5 under his pillow from the tooth fairy.
The main subplot playing out on this end included Johely and I being tested for donor compatibility and to determine if we can live with one kidney. This process began in mid-October and after taking 52 total vials of blood from both of us, being injected with iodine and analyzing 24 hour urine collection specimens, we now finally have some results and direction. For now, Johely has been ruled out due to an abnormally small kidney that has slightly inhibited function, nothing serious we just do not want to take the chance that Brennan may need another transplant sooner rather than later. This is a link to a very touching story about organ donation and how it touches so many lives.
After undergoing the requisite tests, I performed an additional test in the form of a kidney biopsy to validate my donor status. This required a one-night hospital stay on my part (ugh!) and this time I was the being poked and prodded. And the verdict is….Yes! I am an eligible donor for Brennan! We now breathe a little easier as we have two potential options available. The reason for this being the second option is twofold. First, the size of my kidney at this point might be a little too large for Brennan anatomically and physiologically. The surgeon is confident he can make it fit but for the latter, the concern would be if Brennan became sick and dehydrated the need for hydration and required blood flow in a larger kidney may be more than he can supply during bouts of illness thus resulting in possible rejection.
Recently, we had a brief two day stop over at the hospital just prior to Christmas for an “oil change”. We noticed he was throwing up more than usual, waking up at night and refusing to take in formula by mouth. By hooking him up to intravenous fluids for 36 hours it seemed to help him; he is more active, not throwing up and thankfully sleeping through the night. Nothing like being home and healthy for the holidays. A sentiment echoed by Kyle that morning running around the house and playing with toys proclaiming, “This is the best Christmas ever. We are not in the hospital.”
In early January, Brennan will have a dermoid cyst removed from his right eye orbit. A fairly simple procedure that is typically done on an out patient basis where a one inch incision is made underneath the eyebrow and the cyst is removed. However, since B tends to retain fluid after being under anesthesia this may be a 2 or 3 day hospital stay. If allowed to grow too long it could become part of the bone and that is just another subplot we do not care to experience.
It looks like 2012 will be an exciting year. We are gaining every day and experiencing milestones as we go; we are going to get there! Thanks again for all of your support, prayers and well wishes; all of it helps! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
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