Monday, February 7, 2011

Welcome to Brenny's Beans!


When our son, Brennan was initially diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) end stage renal disease in July of 2009 at one month old, our nephrologist, Dr. P. advised us to stay off the internet. Stories from the digital highway can be overwhelming and depressing.
It is with this piece of advice in mind that we begin this blog primarily as a way to chronicle Brennan's amazing journey for the many, many family, friends, doctors and nurses and loved ones who have extended a helping hand to help "us" make Brenny better along the way. Should others stumble across this blog, it is our explicit wish that they draw strength and courage from everything that is written about our hero- "little B."
With respect to all involved and considering this is on the internet, only first names  of those mentioned will be used and in some cases changed to protect the privacy of all involved.

Please know that with all of your continued prayers, support and faith Brenny will get better!

The main characters in this blog are Mom (blog editor), Dad (blog author), brother Kyle (6), Brennan (19 months) and of course B's hero- Dr. P. We have learned much more than we ever envisioned concerning Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) both clinically and emotionally.

The emotional tentacles of this condition weave themselves deep inside the family fabric and ours is no different. Because of this, we all are victims of CKD, but we will overcome. It affects Kyle on different levels nearly as much as it does Brennan. We all bare scars from this. Our determination as parents, is to subdue the severity of said scars and to protect our sons and raise them happily. 

Initially, when Brennan was diagnosed we sent out informational emails to update concerned parties on his status and they are included here as back ground information and post dated accordingly. Thank you to all for their prayers, support and words of encouragement.

The impetus for the title of this blog stems from the striking resemblance the kidney has in shape to - beans! Coupled with the possiblitly of an alliteration in the title, led us to coin it, "Brenny's Beans."

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